The results of the plot can be normally arranged in grids. I currently have an issue by plotting the results of the ctree
function from the party
package in a grid. This question is a duplicate of a question from 6 years and 8 months ago (Plot of BinaryTree (ctree, party) ignores plot option of par()). It was opted that gridExtra could provide a solution. However, till now no solution for this issue has been given. Consider the example below.
#Create random dataframe
dfA <- data.frame(x=c(rnorm(50, 5), rnorm(50, 2)),
y=c(rbinom(50, 1, .9), rbinom(50, 1, .1)))
#Duplicate dataframe
dfB <- dfA
#Plot in base R wit par (does not work)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(party::ctree(y~x, data=dfA))
plot(party::ctree(y~x, data=dfB))
#Try to organize in a grid wit gridExtra (does not work)
treeA <- party::ctree(y~x, data=dfA)
treeB <- party::ctree(y~x, data=dfB)
grobA <- arrangeGrob(plot(treeA))
grobB <- arrangeGrob(plot(treeB))
grid.arrange(grobA, grobB, ncol=2)
Error in gList(list(wrapvp = list(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1, :
only 'grobs' allowed in "gList"
The arrangeGrob(plot(treeA))
and arrangeGrob(plot(treeB))
also return an error stating Error in vapply(x$grobs, as.character, character(1)) : values must be length 1, but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 0
Does someone known how plot the results of the ctree function in a grid?
Thank you in advance.
## grab the scene as a grid object
library(grid) <- list('plot(ctree(y~x, data=dfA))',
'plot(ctree(y~x, data=dfB))')
for (i in c(1,2)){
out[[i]] <- grid.grab()
grid.arrange(out[[1]], out[[2]], nrow = 1,ncol=2)
You will get: