When I embed a youtube video for example in my angular component:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/w3jLJU7DT5E"></iframe></div>
I will get two entries in my Application/Storage/Cookies in Developer console:
One is my storage for my localhost
and the other one is for iframe website.
Using ngx-cookie-service I tried to set a cookie into youtube section like this:
this.cookieService.set('cookie1', 'cookie1-value', null, null, 'https://youtube.com');
by setting only name
, value
and domain
since .set
is defined like this: set( name: string, value: string, expires?: number | Date, path?: string, domain?: string, secure?: boolean, sameSite?: 'Lax' | 'Strict' | 'None' ): void;
but it sets it into my https://localhost:4200
Is it event possible to set it into https://youtube.com
The thing that I was trying to achieve is XSS
or Cross-site scripting
and it would be only possible to do if the domain in iframe
was the same as the parent domain.