
Masking a div with an image and animating gradient background

I am currently designing a logo that has an animated gradient background.


The mask should look something like this:

enter image description here

i have the CSS animations down, but when it comes to cutting a shape out of a <div> with an jpg or png image i seem to be stuck.

What i came up with:

I do not like my current solutions because it relies on SVG animations and im masking a SVG <rect> element not a <div>. It is much less flexible then if it was achieved mainly using CSS. But, it gets the job done.

<!-- image masked gradient -->
<svg  height="200px" width="200px">  
        <!-- the gradient for the rectangle element-->
        <linearGradient id='gradient1'>
            <stop stop-color='#020024'/>
            <stop offset='.35' stop-color='#090979'/>
            <stop offset='1' stop-color='#6699ff'/>

        <!-- the mask shape of a thunder bolt -->
        <mask id="image-mask" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" >  
            <image href="" height="200" width="200"/>

    <!-- this is the gradient rectangle element to be masked -->
    <g mask="url(#image-mask)">  
        <rect class="posr " x="10" y="0"  width="500%" height="400%" fill="url(#gradient1)">
           <animate attributeName="x" values='0px;-450px;0px' dur="5s"  repeatCount="indefinite" />

So i basically want the effect showed in the snippet but mainly with CSS animations and the image mask!


  • You can use CSS mask but you need to fîrst create a PNG image like below:

    enter image description here

    Then use it like below:

    .box {
      -webkit-mask:url( center/cover;
              mask:url( center/cover;
      background:linear-gradient(to right,red,blue,green) left/300% 100% no-repeat;
      animation:change 2s linear infinite alternate;
    /* maintain the square ratio */
    .box::before {
    @keyframes change {
      to {
    body {
    <div class="box"></div>
    <div class="box" style="width:150px;"></div>

    The quality of the image I am using is very bad. I only focusing on the trick rather than the quality.