
Symfony 5 Save Object in MongoDB Collection

I have never worked with MongoDb and I am also new to symfony and ODM. I have a collection called userlist. In userlist I want to save multiple books. The book Id's get selected on a Form which I send to the server, in my controller I want to use all the selected BookIds use find($id) and save the returned Book details in my Userlist.


class Userlist{

 * @MongoDB\Id
private $id;

 * @MongoDB\Field(type="string")
private $name;

 * @MongoDB\Field(type="collection")
private $books;

public function __construct()
    $this->books = new ArrayCollection();

public function getBooks(): ?array
    return array_unique($this->books);

public function setBooks(array $books): self
    $this->books= $books;

    return $this;


 foreach ($_POST['books'] as $bookObjectId) {

        $bookData= $dm->getRepository(Book::class)->find($bookObjectId);


If I use above I get Collection type requires value of type array or null, Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection given. So if I take $this->books = new ArrayCollection(); out this error disappears. Unfortunately all I get saved to the document is

books [0]

No data is saved. If I use

$bookData= $dm->getRepository(Book::class)->find($bookObjectId);
$books = array('_id' => $bookData->getId(),
                'name' =>$bookData->getBookName());

Then the data will be all saved, but I would like to just get my 1 Document and save it straight into another document without re-creating an Array with calling all the getters and then save that. I have tried to read all over the internet, but I just don't get it. I also tried

public function addBooks(Book $books)
    $this->books[] = $books;
    return $this;

but again no luck. The Form by the way has got no BookId form field. Instead I create this dynamic with jQuery, but I doubt that this is a problem. Can anyone point in the right direction by any chance, this would be brilliant. Thank you very much.


My repository file:

public function findReturnArray($id)
    return $this->createQueryBuilder()

In the controller:

 foreach ($_POST['bookIds'] as $orderObjectId) {

            $bookData[] = $dm->getRepository(Book::class)->findReturnArray($bookObjectId);

That does save both books into books but I have 1 issue. It is saved like this

  [] [0]
      bookName etc
  [] [1]

what I would like is:

      bookName etc

setBooks is still the same but I took the $this->books = new ArrayCollection(); out. any idea how I can stop this now?


  • If you want to persist references to Book documents in your Userlist document, you have to use the ReferenceMany annotation (see docs).

    class Userlist
        // ...
         * @MongoDB\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="My\Namespace\Book", storeAs="id")
        private $books;
        public function __construct()
            $this->books = new ArrayCollection();
        public function getBooks(): array
            return $this->books->getValues();
        public function addBook(Book $book)
            if ($this->books->contains($book)) {
    foreach ($_POST['books'] as $bookObjectId) {
        $book = $dm->getRepository(Book::class)->find($bookObjectId);


    After reading your update, I guess this is the change you are looking for:

    public function findReturnArray($id)
        return $this->createQueryBuilder()