
Oracle Count dynamic number of groups based on key

Considere the table:

| id     | value |
| 1      |   A   |
| 1      |   B   |
| 2      |   A   |
| 2      |   B   |
| 3      |   A   |
| 3      |   B   |
| 3      |   C   |
| 4      |   A   |

and I want to count the group of values based on the id column. The result will be like:

| count  | value   |
| 2      |   A B   |
| 1      |   A B C |
| 1      |   A     |

Note that the cardinality of column value is dynamic.

I've tried pivoting with some subqueries but I'm not sure if I'm going in the correct way.

I appreciate any help given.


  • with src_data as (
        select 1 f1, 'A' f2 from dual
        union all
        select 1, 'B' from dual
        union all
        select 2, 'B' from dual
        union all
        select 2, 'A' from dual
        union all
        select 3, 'A' from dual
        union all
        select 3, 'B' from dual
        union all
        select 3, 'C' from dual
        union all
        select 4, 'A' from dual
    select count(1) cnt, value
    from (
        select f1, listagg(f2, ' ') within group(order by f2) value
        from src_data
        group by f1
    group by value
    order by cnt desc, value
