
More efficient way to access rows based on a list of indices in 2d numpy array?

So I have 2d numpay array arr. It's a relatively big one: arr.shape = (2400, 60000)

What I'm currently doing is the following:

It looks sth like:

no_rows = arr.shape[0]
indicies = np.array(range(no_rows))
my_vals = []
for k in range(no_samples):
    random_idxs = np.random.choice(indicies, size=no_rows, replace=True)

My problem is that is very slow. With my arr size, it takes ~3s for 1 loop. As I want a sample that is bigger than 1k - my current solution solution pretty bad (1k*~3s -> ~1h). I've profiled it and the bottleneck is accessing row based on indices. "mean" and "max" work fast. np.random.choice is also ok.

Do you see any area for improvement? A more efficient way of accessing indices or maybe better a faster approach that solves the problem without this?

What I tried so far:

sth similar to:

random_idxs = np.random.choice(sample_idxs, size=sample_size, replace=True) 
test = random_idxs.ravel()[arr.ravel()].reshape(arr.shape)


  • Since advanced indexing will generate a copy, the program will allocate huge memory in arr[random_idxs].

    So one of the most simple way to improve efficiency is that do things batch wise.

    BATCH = 512
    max(arr[random_idxs,i:i+BATCH].mean(axis=0).max() for i in range(0,arr.shape[1],BATCH))