
Restrict to a specific country in agm-map

Below is my code which I'm able to plot the points on map. But I want my map to restrict to one country. How can this be achieved in agm-map?

Example, I want it to be restricted to only western Australia.



      *ngFor="let m of markers; let i = index"
      (markerClick)="clickedMarker(m.label, i)"
      (dragEnd)="markerDragEnd(m, $event)">

      <strong>InfoWindow content</strong>


  <agm-circle [latitude]="lat + 0.3" [longitude]="lng" 



import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { MouseEvent } from '@agm/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent  {
  // google maps zoom level
  zoom: number = 8;

  // initial center position for the map
  lat: number = 51.673858;
  lng: number = 7.815982;

  clickedMarker(label: string, index: number) {
    console.log(`clicked the marker: ${label || index}`)

  mapClicked($event: MouseEvent) {
      lat: $,
      lng: $event.coords.lng,
      draggable: true

  markerDragEnd(m: marker, $event: MouseEvent) {
    console.log('dragEnd', m, $event);

  markers: marker[] = [
          lat: 51.673858,
          lng: 7.815982,
          label: 'A',
          draggable: true
          lat: 51.373858,
          lng: 7.215982,
          label: 'B',
          draggable: false
          lat: 51.723858,
          lng: 7.895982,
          label: 'C',
          draggable: true

// just an interface for type safety.
interface marker {
    lat: number;
    lng: number;
    label?: string;
    draggable: boolean;


  • In order to show only one country or only one region on AGM map you have to apply view port restriction. Official documentation provides the following page to explain the stuff:

    The AGM map supports restriction property, so you just need to add restriction in your component class and add restriction attribute in your html template.

    E.g. to limit a map to Switzerland I do the following (note countryRestriction field)

      selector: 'my-app',
      templateUrl: './app.component.html',
      styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
    export class AppComponent  {
      // google maps zoom level
      zoom: number = 5;
      // initial center position for the map
      lat: number = 46.7985624;
      lng: number = 8.2319736;
      //view port restrictions
      countryRestriction = {
        latLngBounds: {
          east: 10.49234,
          north: 47.808455,
          south: 45.81792,
          west: 5.95608
        strictBounds: true
      clickedMarker(label: string, index: number) {
        console.log(`clicked the marker: ${label || index}`)
      mapClicked($event: MouseEvent) {
          lat: $,
          lng: $event.coords.lng,
          draggable: true
      markerDragEnd(m: marker, $event: MouseEvent) {
        console.log('dragEnd', m, $event);
      markers: marker[] = [
        lat: 47.4052961,
        lng: 8.6011908,
        label: 'A',
        draggable: true
        lat: 46.9728419,
        lng: 7.4304635,
        label: 'B',
        draggable: false
        lat: 46.2585634,
        lng: 6.2226607,
        label: 'C',
        draggable: true

    and add my restriction in html

        *ngFor="let m of markers; let i = index"
        (markerClick)="clickedMarker(m.label, i)"
        (dragEnd)="markerDragEnd(m, $event)">
          <strong>InfoWindow content</strong>

    You can see a complete example of the AGM map limited to Switzerland on stackblitz: