
Usefulness of IaaS Provisoning tools like Terraform?

I have a quick point of confusion regarding the whole idea of "Infrastructure as a Code" or IaaS provisioning with tools like Terraform.

I've been working on a team recently that uses Terraform to provision all of its AWS resources, and I've been learning it here and there and admit that it's a pretty nifty tool.

Besides Infrastructure as Code being a "cool" alternative to manually provisioning resources in the AWS console, I don't understand why it's actually useful though.

Take, for example, a typical deployment of a website with a database. After my initial provisioning of this infrastructure, why would I ever need to even run the Terraform plan again? With everything I need being provisioned on my AWS account, what are the use cases in which I'll need to "reprovision" this infrastructure?

Under this assumption, the process of provisioning everything I need is front-loaded to begin with, so why do I bother learning tools when I can just click some buttons in the AWS console when I'm first deploying my website?

Honestly I thought this would be a pretty common point of confusion, but I couldn't seem to find clarity elsewhere so I thought I'd ask here. Probably a naive question, but keep in mind I'm new to this whole philosophy.

Thanks in advance!


  • Manually provisioning, in the long term, is slow, non-reproducible, troublesome, not self-documenting and difficult to do in teams.

    With tools such as terraform or CloudFormation you can have the following benefits: