I have this dataset to try to make a classification task using classif.ada
#Using HouseVotes84 as Classification Task Dataset and mtcars as Regression Task Dataset
dummy_data_classif <- HouseVotes84[,2:length(colnames(HouseVotes84))] %>%
mutate_if(is.factor, as.numeric)
dummy_data_classif <- data.frame(cbind(Class=HouseVotes84[,1], dummy_data_classif))
dummy_data_classif[is.na(dummy_data_classif)] <- 0
dummy_data_classif_numeric <- dummy_data_classif[-1] %>%
mutate_if(is.factor, as.numeric)
dummy_data_classif_numeric <- data.frame(cbind(dummy_data_classif[1],
colnames(dummy_data_classif_numeric) <- colnames(dummy_data_classif)
and I have this parameter expression in string that will be evaluate later for classif.ada param set in MLR
"hyperparam <<- makeParamSet(
makeIntegerParam(\"iter\",lower = 50,upper=250),
makeIntegerParam(\"max.iter\",lower = 30,upper=200),
makeLogicalParam(\"model.coef\",FALSE, tunable=FALSE),
makeDiscreteParam(\"loss\",values = c(\"exponential\", \"logistic\")),
makeDiscreteParam(\"type\",values = c(\"discrete\", \"real\", \"gentle\")),
makeNumericParam(\"nu\",lower = 0,upper=100),
makeNumericParam(\"bag.frac\",lower = 0,upper=1),
makeNumericParam(\"delta\",lower = 0,upper=1e-07),
makeIntegerParam(\"minsplit\",lower = 1,upper=30),
makeIntegerParam(\"minbucket\",lower = 1,upper=20),
makeNumericParam(\"cp\",lower = 0,upper=1),
makeIntegerParam(\"maxcompete\",lower = 0,upper=6),
makeIntegerParam(\"maxsurrogate\",lower = 0,upper=7.5),
makeDiscreteParam(\"usesurrogate\",values = c(0, 1, 2)),
makeDiscreteParam(\"surrogatestyle\",values = c(0, 1)),
makeIntegerParam(\"maxdepth\",lower = 1,upper=30))"
Then I defined tasking for classif.ada, and planned for tuning 20 random param sets
task <- makeClassifTask(data = dummy_data_classif_numeric,
target = "Class")
lrn <- makeLearner(cl = "classif.ada", fix.factors.prediction = TRUE)
hyper_search <- makeTuneControlRandom(maxit = 20)
resampling_method <- makeResampleDesc("cv")
# Perform tuning
lrn_tune <- tuneParams(learner = "classif.ada", task = task,
resampling = resampling_method,
control = hyper_search, par.set = hyperparam)
In these examples, I want the "model.coef"
hyperparameter to only contain FALSE
value to tune, After running these, model.coef
is still tuned between TRUE
and getting this error:
[Tune] Started tuning learner classif.ada for parameter set:
Type len Def Constr Req Tunable Trafo
iter integer - - 50 to 250 - TRUE -
max.iter integer - - 30 to 200 - TRUE -
model.coef logical - FALSE - - FALSE -
loss discrete - - exponential,logistic - TRUE -
type discrete - - discrete,real,gentle - TRUE -
nu numeric - - 0 to 100 - TRUE -
bag.frac numeric - - 0 to 1 - TRUE -
bag.shift logical - - - - TRUE -
delta numeric - - 0 to 1e-07 - TRUE -
minsplit integer - - 1 to 30 - TRUE -
minbucket integer - - 1 to 20 - TRUE -
cp numeric - - 0 to 1 - TRUE -
maxcompete integer - - 0 to 6 - TRUE -
maxsurrogate integer - - 0 to 7.5 - TRUE -
usesurrogate discrete - - 0,1,2 - TRUE -
surrogatestyle discrete - - 0,1 - TRUE -
maxdepth integer - - 1 to 30 - TRUE -
With control class: TuneControlRandom
Imputation value: 1
[Tune-x] 1: iter=233; max.iter=141; model.coef=FALSE; loss=exponential; type=gentle; nu=63.5; bag.frac=0.686; bag.shift=TRUE; delta=3.49e-08; minsplit=21; minbucket=2; cp=0.881; maxcompete=1; maxsurrogate=2; usesurrogate=2; surrogatestyle=0; maxdepth=17
[Tune-y] 1: mmce.test.mean=0.0598309; time: 0.8 min
[Tune-x] 2: iter=230; max.iter=115; model.coef=TRUE; loss=exponential; type=gentle; nu=39.6; bag.frac=0.35; bag.shift=TRUE; delta=4.87e-08; minsplit=1; minbucket=2; cp=0.523; maxcompete=4; maxsurrogate=7; usesurrogate=0; surrogatestyle=1; maxdepth=21
Error in if (any(wt < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In log((1 - errm)/errm) :
Error in if (any(wt < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed") :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
How to make "model.coef"
contain FALSE
If you want one value to be fixed and not included in the search space you have to set the value of this parameter manually and exclude it form the search space:
hyperparam$pars$model.coef = NULL
learner <- makeLearner("classif.ada", par.vals = list(model.coef = FALSE))
lrn_tune <- tuneParams(learner = learner, task = task,
resampling = resampling_method,
control = hyper_search, par.set = hyperparam)
It makes more sense to leave out model.coef
in the definition of the search space (hyperparam
object) directly, but your example looks like you somehow have the object predefined.