Consider the following Javascript and Flow code:
import type { $Request, $Response } from 'express';
function middleware(req: $Request, res: $Response) {}
middleware({}, {});
(full code at
When express
isn't installed as an npm module, Flow correctly flags the code error:
However, when I npm install express
, Flow can no longer resolve the types (from flow-typed):
Can someone explain who Flow is trying to import the types from the Express module, versus from flow-typed? How do I overcome this?
Flow doesn't really know about Node packages as a unit, so if you don't want Flow to try to parse things in node_modules
, you'll want
in your .flowconfig
. If you did want to allow a subset of node_modules, the [ignore]
explain how to do that.
I'm not aware of how Flow prioritizes explicitly-declared type definitions from flow-typed
vs real files, but presumably given what we're seeing here, Flow must try to load type definitions from the actual imported file unless the file is ignored.