What is the meaning of parts of tag (BuildID ) on CodeAurora ( on Qualcomm's MSM for Android repo).
The full list is here https://wiki.codeaurora.org/xwiki/bin/QAEP/release, but here are some examples:
The LA part seems to be consistent, but I can't figure out the meaning of other parts like ( UM, HB, AU, BR ), or the versioning. The last part 89xx seems to refer to the hipset
I talked to a Qualcomm representative a while ago. This is what I could surmise:
LA = Linux Android
UM = He didn't know either. Seems its just ramdom release naming, without some deeper meaning
8.6.2.r2 = QCOM release version ( doesn't mean its Android 8 )
01600 = release sub-version
89xx = chipset.