I re-installed my Android Studio. My first problem was, that when I try to run my Activity, I got an error:
Default Activity Not Found
. So I change the configuration, instead of choosing Default Activity in the Launch Option I choose Nothing.
I think this is the problem why nothing is happening after I run the project. It's make sense, cuz nothing is lauch or am I wrong?
The Android Studio see my device and it's connecting via USB. I done this before, so I know that I have to allow USB Debugging on my device and i did. After I hit run, start to loading, and than it's says that:
Install succesfully finished in 212 ms. App restart succedful without requiring a re-install.
But nothing is happening neither in my computer or my phone.
In order to start your App, it needs an "entry point". You can define it in the AndroidManifest.xml
file like:
<activity android:name="com.myapp.MainActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
In the first line you add the package path + your Activity you want to open at startup. The reason why you got the error msg Default Activity not found
probably is, that you created a project without an Activity.
To create a new Activity simply right-click to the package in Android Studio -> select New
-> Activity
-> and then e.g. Empty Activity