I have a large JSON file around 3gb and I want to convert it to readable excel format. How can I achieve this?
Can I do it via emeditor? It supports JSON but not sure if I can convert that to excel.
Any input is appreciated. Thanks
For eg:
"name": "George Washington",
"birthday": "February 22, 1732",
"address": "Mount Vernon, Virginia, United States"
"first_name": "George",
"last_name": "Washington",
"birthday": "1732-02-22",
"address": {
"street_address": "3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway",
"city": "Mount Vernon",
"state": "Virginia",
"country": "United States"
So here I want First Name, Last name, birthday, address all to be csv headers and all the data should be copied under that so that I can have a clean csv file with all the details.
EmEditor will not convert JSON to Excel (or CSV) files by itself. However, you can write a macro to convert JSON to CSV files. If you need support on writing a macro, can you write a small JSON sample, and how you want the output CSV look like?
This is a macro for you to convert JSON to CSV. It allows up to only one-deep nested structure of JSON. This macro checks if a delimiter (comma) exists in data but does NOT check if a double quotation mark or new line code exists. I also noticed your JSON data contains syntax errors, and I corrected it.
Macro JsonToCsv.jsee
function AddStr( s1, s2 )
if( s2.toString().indexOf( ',' ) != -1 ) {
s2 = '"' + s2 + '"';
return s1 + s2;
sHeading = "";
sBody = "";
var json = JSON.parse(document.selection.Text);
for( property in json ) {
if( typeof json[property] === 'object' ) {
for( property2 in json[property] ) {
if( sHeading.length != 0 ){
sHeading += ",";
sBody += ",";
sHeading = AddStr( sHeading, property2 );
sBody = AddStr( sBody, json[property][property2] );
else {
if( sHeading.length != 0 ){
sHeading += ",";
sBody += ",";
sHeading = AddStr( sHeading, property );
sBody = AddStr( sBody, json[property] );
document.selection.Text = sHeading + "\r\n" + sBody + "\r\n";
editor.ExecuteCommandByID(22528); // switch to CSV mode
"name": "George Washington",
"birthday": "February 22, 1732",
"first_name": "George",
"last_name": "Washington",
"birthday": "1732-02-22",
"address": {
"street_address": "3200, Mount Vernon Memorial Highway",
"city": "Mount Vernon",
"state": "Virginia",
"country": "United States"
George Washington,1732-02-22,George,Washington,"3200, Mount Vernon Memorial Highway",Mount Vernon,Virginia,United States
You can run this macro after you open your data file. To do this, save this code as, for instance, JsonToCsv.jsee
, and then select this file from Select... in the Macros menu. Finally, open your data file, and select Run in the Macros menu while your data file is active.