
Type safety in Clojure

I want to ask what sort of type safety languages constructs are there on Clojure?

I've read 'Practical Clojure' from Luke VanderHart and Stuart Sierra several times now, but i still have the distinct impression that Clojure (like other lisps) don't take compilation-time validation checking very seriously. Type safety is just but one (very popular) strategy for doing compilation-time checking of correct semantics

I'm asking this question because i'm aching to be proven wrong; what sort of design patterns are there available on clojure to validate (at compilation-time, not at run-time) that a function that expects a string doesn't get called with, say, a list of integers?

Also, i've read very smart people like Paul Graham openly advocate about lisp allowing to implement everything from lower-level languages on top of it (most would say that the language themselves are being reimplemented on top of it), so if that assertion would be true, then trivially stuff like type checking should be a piece of cake. So do you feel that there exist type systems (or the ability to implement such type systems) in clojure or other lisps, that give the programmer the ability to offset validation checking from run-time to compile-time, or even better, design-time?


  • Compilation units in Clojure are very small - a single function. Lispers tend to change small portions of running programs while they develop. Introducing static type checking into this style of development is problematic - for a deeper discussion why I recommend the post Types are Anti-Modular by Gilad Bracha. Thus Clojure's prefers pre/post-conditions which jive better with Lisp's highly REPL-oriented development.

    That said, it's certainly desirable and possible to build an a la carte type system for Clojure. This trail has been blazed by Qi/Shen, and Typed Racket. This functionality could be easily provided as a library. I'm hoping to build something like that in the future with core.logic -