I have a big problem. I want to save some files that I download from internet with my application, into my SD card fallowing this path:
But I don't want to hardcode this string inside my code. So how can I do it programmatically? I have already ask permission to write on external storage.
Currently inside my code there is this piece of code below:
File sdcard = new File(context.getExternalFilesDir(null).getAbsolutePath() + "/Video scaricati/");
But with it, my application saves the files inside:
/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.my.application/files/Video scaricati
that it isn't in my SD card.
How can I do it?
Take the second item returned by
File dirs[] =getExternalFilesDirs();
Check if the array contains more then one element before use. Not everybody puts a micro SD card in.