
Unable to create apple map address link with latitude and longitude in swift

I am trying to create apple map address link with latitude and longitude

i have tried like this:

  let addrLoction = addressModel[indexPath.row]

                   let coord = addrLo.location
                   latitude = coord?.latitude
                   longitude = coord?.longitude

   let mapAddr =  "http://maps.apple.com/?q={latitude},{longitude}" 

getting error:

Expected expression after operator

for eg: like android app goole maps address link, i need in apple map address link

enter image description here


  • Two issues:

    1. latitude and longitude are optionals. Even if the String Interpolation syntax was right you'll get something like "Optional(45.000)". Use Optional Bindings.

    2. The String Interpolation syntax is wrong, it's \(value)

      if let coord = addrLo.location {
          let latitude = coord.latitude
          let longitude = coord.longitude
          let mapAddr = "https://maps.apple.com/?q=\(latitude),\(longitude)" 
          // ...

    And the URL scheme should be https