I am trying to create apple map address link with latitude and longitude
i have tried like this:
let addrLoction = addressModel[indexPath.row]
let coord = addrLo.location
latitude = coord?.latitude
longitude = coord?.longitude
let mapAddr = "http://maps.apple.com/?q={latitude},{longitude}"
getting error:
Expected expression after operator
for eg: like android app goole maps address link, i need in apple map address link
Two issues:
and longitude
are optionals. Even if the String Interpolation syntax was right you'll get something like "Optional(45.000)"
. Use Optional Bindings.
The String Interpolation syntax is wrong, it's \(value)
if let coord = addrLo.location {
let latitude = coord.latitude
let longitude = coord.longitude
let mapAddr = "https://maps.apple.com/?q=\(latitude),\(longitude)"
// ...
And the URL scheme should be https