
Change value of words in bing lexicon

I'm analyzing a survey using R Studio. I'm using Bing Sentiment lexicon from tidytext package to do so.

Some words don't have the right meaning for my survey, specifically 'tender' is coded as positive, but my respondents mean 'tender' as a negative (pain). I know how to remove a word from the bing tibble, and add a new one, but how can I simply change the meaning of the word?

For example:

structure(list(word = c("pain", "tender", "sensitive", "headaches", 
"like", "anxiety"), sentiment = c("negative", "positive", "positive", 
"negative", "positive", "negative"), n = c(351L, 305L, 279L, 
220L, 200L, 196L)), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")

I want it to look like:

structure(list(word = c("pain", "tender", "sensitive", "headaches", 
"like", "anxiety"), sentiment = c("negative", "negative", "positive", 
"negative", "positive", "negative"), n = c(351L, 305L, 279L, 
220L, 200L, 196L)), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")

Thank you!


  • Running the line

    df$sentiment <- ifelse(df$word == "tender", "positive", df$sentiment)

    will effectively change the sentiment vector for any instance in which the word vector is "tender" so that it shows as "positive". Any other instance will remain as is.

    Note that if there are other words that you would also like to change their sentiment to positive, you can do:

    df$sentiment <- ifelse(df$word %in% c("tender", "anotherword", "etc"), "positive", df$sentiment)