I have a remote repository on github and another remote repository for backup. Since the repository is very big I don't want everytime to use git push --mirror (it is above 20GB) and want to sync only latest changes everytime.
I want to write a script that is doing something like this:
for each branch in githubRemote/branches do:
if branch != otherRemote/branch:
checkout githubRemote/branch
push branch to otherRemote
based on @Levi Lu-MSFT's answer, I wrote this script:
git checkout master
git reset --hard
$branches = git branch -r | foreach{ $_ -replace "^.*?\/", "" } | where {$_ -notmatch "HEAD" }
foreach($branch in $branches)
$branchBackupHash = git rev-parse remoteTFS/$branch
$branchWorkingHash = git rev-parse remoteGithub/$branch
#check if the commit hash is the same
if($branchBackupHash -ne $branchWorkingHash)
echo updating branch $branch
git checkout origin/$branch -q
git pull origin $branch
git push remoteTFS $branch