
Documentation missing for the requests_timeout parameter of GCSFileSystem

The Google Cloud GCFSFileSystem object takes a requests_timeout parameter with a default value of None. This parameter is not documented.

I assume this is the time before we give up on an individual GCFS request. By analogy with cache_timeout, which is documented, I assume it is a float value in seconds, where None means no timeout.

Is this correct?


  • Integer value in seconds:

    Extract from the google.auth.transport.requests documentation:

    timeout (Optional[int]): The number of seconds to wait for a
                    response from the server. If not specified or if None, the
                    requests default timeout will be used.

    Which is called on line 490, according to the gcsfs.core documentation.

    Edit: The default timeout is 120 seconds as defined by _DEFAULT_TIMEOUT (credits to @John Hanley for adding this info)