
How do I find further constraints than boundary conditions?

In the following Agda code, I have one hole with some potential filling; alas, the filling doesn't typecheck. It seems to fulfill all the constraints Agda shows, so I'd like to know where I could find what other, invisible constraints there are.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module _ where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Nat

module UntypedNominalTerms
  (A : Type)

  data Term : Type where
    var : ℕ → (x : A) → Term
    rename : ∀ n m x → var n x ≡ var m x
    trunc : isSet Term

  module _ (P : Term → Type) (PIsProp : ∀ x → isProp (P x))
    (P₀ : ∀ n X → P (var n X)) where

    elimIntoProp : ∀ t → P t
    elimIntoProp (var n X) = P₀ n X
    elimIntoProp (rename n m x i) = {!transport-filler Pt≡Ps Pt i!}
        t s : Term
        t = var n x
        s = var m x

        q : t ≡ s
        q = rename n m x

        Pt : P t
        Pt = P₀ n x

        Ps : P s
        Ps = P₀ m x

        Pt≡Ps : P t ≡ P s
        Pt≡Ps = λ j → P (q j)
    elimIntoProp (trunc t s p q i j) = r (elimIntoProp t) (elimIntoProp s) (cong elimIntoProp p) (cong elimIntoProp q) (trunc t s p q) i j
      r : isOfHLevelDep 2 P
      r = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep (suc (suc zero)) λ t → isOfHLevelSuc 1 (PIsProp t)

So in the hole on the right-hand side of the elimIntoProp (rename n m x i) clause, if I ask Agda to show me the goal and the type, it shows me a matching type and it shows me boundary conditions that transport-filler should satisfy:

Goal: P (rename n m x i)
Have: P (rename n m x i)
———— Boundary ——————————————————————————————————————————————
i = i0 ⊢ P₀ n x
i = i1 ⊢ P₀ m x

At i = i0, we have transport-filler Pt≡Ps Pt i0 which should be Pt defined as P₀ n x, and at i = i1 we have Ps which is defined as P₀ m x. So it seems that we're good.

Yet when I try to replace the hole with its contents, I get a type error:

P₁ m x != transp (λ i → Pt≡Ps n m x i1 i) i0 (Pt n m x i1)
of type P₂ (rename n m x i1)
when checking the definition of elimIntoProp

Where does this constraint come from and how do I show this (and similar ones) in the goal-and-context window during editing?


  • transport-filler Pt≡Ps Pt i1 is not Ps though, you can see it by asking for the normal form:

    transp (λ i₁ → P (rename n m x i₁)) i0 (P₀ n x)

    so the constraint being violated is indeed the one from the boundary.

    (Other relevant constrains might show up below the context, but in this case they are just the boundary again.)