
Change Background Color of ListView Selected Item in Xamarin

I created a Master-Detail type project in Xamarin. When I selected an item from the Master page the background color is orange by default. How can I change this to a color of my choosing?


  • You can bind BackgroundColor for ContentView of ViewCell , then use ViewModel and ItemTapped method of ListView to modify the selected item background color .

    For example , the xaml code as follow:

    <ListView x:Name="ListViewMenu"
                HasUnevenRows="True" ItemTapped="ListViewMenu_ItemTapped">
                <ViewCell >
                    <Grid Padding="10"
                            BackgroundColor="{Binding SelectedBackgroundColor}">
                        <Label Text="{Binding Title}" d:Text="{Binding .}" FontSize="20"/>

    Then in HomeMenuItem model add SelectedBackgroundColor property :

    public enum MenuItemType
    public class HomeMenuItem : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        public MenuItemType Id { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        private Color selectedBackgroundColor;
        public Color SelectedBackgroundColor
                if (selectedBackgroundColor != value)
                    selectedBackgroundColor = value;
                return selectedBackgroundColor;
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    Then in MenuPage modify ItemSource as follow:

    public partial class MenuPage : ContentPage
        MainPage RootPage { get => Application.Current.MainPage as MainPage; }
        List<HomeMenuItem> menuItems;
        List<HomeMenuItem> tmpItems; // add a tmp list to remove setted backgroud color
        public MenuPage()
            tmpItems = new List<HomeMenuItem>();
            menuItems = new List<HomeMenuItem>
                new HomeMenuItem {Id = MenuItemType.Browse, Title="Browse" },
                new HomeMenuItem {Id = MenuItemType.About, Title="About" }
            menuItems[0].SelectedBackgroundColor = Color.Red; // default set the first item be selected, you can modify as your wants
            tmpItems.Add(menuItems[0]); // add the selected item (default is the first)
            ListViewMenu.ItemsSource = menuItems;
            ListViewMenu.SelectedItem = menuItems[0];
            ListViewMenu.ItemSelected += async (sender, e) =>
                if (e.SelectedItem == null)
                var id = (int)((HomeMenuItem)e.SelectedItem).Id;
                await RootPage.NavigateFromMenu(id);
        private void ListViewMenu_ItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e)
            menuItems[e.ItemIndex].SelectedBackgroundColor = Color.Red;
            tmpItems[0].SelectedBackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
            tmpItems[0] = menuItems[e.ItemIndex];

    The effect :

    enter image description here enter image description here