Hi I have a early version of an Playbook app one of our developers made for us in Flash Builder. It is a .bar file. I have installed all the required Abode and RIM SDK's, keys and simulator and can create an app myself in Flash Builder 4.5 which runs in debug mode in the simulator perfectly.
The problem is our developer has gone on holiday for a week and I want to test the app while he is away and give him feedback but I cant seem to open a single .bar file.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks in advance
I assume you mean "install" a .bar file, since opening it (on your PC) is a simple matter of unzipping it.
To install/deploy to the simulator, you'd do this at the command line, where the SDK bin/ folder is in your PATH.
blackberry-deploy -installApp -device DEVIP -password PASS -package barfilename.bar
The DEVIP and PASS should be expanded to the device/simulator IP address and password, respectively. The default (maybe only possible?) simulator password is "playbook".
You can include "-launchApp" in the above command to automatically launch the app too, but if you don't you merely click on its icon. The simulator may still have a bug where the icon doesn't show up until you change categories back and forth, or pause for a moment.