I have java file HelloWorld.java
with the following code:
class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World!");
Now my understanding is, to compile and run this we need two steps: Step 1)javac HelloWorld.java
Step 2)java HelloWorld
. So clearly the command java takes the class file name as its input parameter.
However if I do java HelloWorld.java
, it prints the output of the program despite the fact that I have passed the java filename and not the class name to it. See the screenshot below.
Can someone clarify this please?
Java - openjdk version "11.0.8" 2020-07-14 LTS(AWS Corretto)
OS - Amazon Linux 2(red hat based OS)
Infra - AWS EC2 instance
Edit: Also I noticed this happens only if the corresponding classfile is not there in the directory. If the corresponding classfile is there, it takes gives the error: error: class found on application class path: HelloWorld
This was introduced in java 11.
If you have installed a JDK, you can call javac
directly using the source file.
java <Class>.java
is basically the same as
javac <Class>.java
java <Class>