I am attempting to display data like so:
<a *ngFor="let month of months">
<h4>{{month.name + month.date.getFullYear()}}</h4>
<p *ngFor="let topic of month.topics">
<li *ngFor="let item of topic.items">
This works perfectly well when I use static Month[] data like so:
export const MONTHS: Month[] = [
{ id: 0, name: "September ", date: new Date(2020, 9), topics:[{id: 0, description: "I need a new description", items: [{ id: 0, content: "I need a new todo", isDone: false}]}]},
{ id: 1, name: "August ", date: new Date(2020, 8), topics:[{id: 0, description: "I need a second description", items: [{ id: 0, content: "I need a second todo", isDone: false}]}]},
However, when I attempt to get the Month[] from an in memory server like so:
///The database
export class InMemoryDataService implements InMemoryDbService {
createDb() {
const months = [
{ id: 0, name: "September ", date: new Date(2020, 9), topics:[{id: 0, description: "I need a new description", items: [{ id: 0, content: "I need a new todo", isDone: false}]}]},
{ id: 1, name: "August ", date: new Date(2020, 8), topics:[{id: 0, description: "I need a second description", items: [{ id: 0, content: "I need a second todo", isDone: false}]}]},
return {months};
///The month.service
/** GET months from the server */
getMonths(): Observable<Month[]> {
return this.http.get<Month[]>(this.monthsUrl)
tap(_ => this.log('fetched months')),
catchError(this.handleError<Month[]>('getMonths', []))
///the .ts component of the html display
export class CurrentMonthComponent implements OnInit {
months: Month[];
constructor(private monthService: MonthService) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
getMonths(): void {
.subscribe(months => this.months = months);
At that point the month.date.getFullYear() line in the html throws this exception:
core.js:4197 ERROR TypeError: month_r1.date.getFullYear is not a function
at CurrentMonthComponent_a_3_Template (current-month.component.html:6)
Why does it no longer understand that date is a Date object when retrieving it from the server? Shouldn't the getMonths() method return a Month[] which defines date as a Date? Or does it have to do with the rxjs-observables? Here's my month.ts interface for reference. Thanks!
export interface Month {
id: number;
name: string;
date: Date;
topics: Array<Topic>;
Thanks for the help, it pointed me in the right direction to realize that my date was not being saved as a Date but rather a string that would then have to be converted back to a Date.
What finally worked and allowed me to call getFullYear() in that h4 tag was adding this map to the .pipe() in my http get method
map(months => months.map(month => ({...month, date: new Date(month.date)}))),
That changed it back to a Date object I was able to call getFullYear() on.