
Clojure hiccup vanishing key namespaces

I'm printing out a map's key values to html, and the key namespaces are vanishing, which I don't want.

layout below calls hiccup's html5 to render:

(layout (str "Path " (:path/title path))
  [:h1 "Title: " (:title path) slug]
  [:p (str path)]       ; prints "{:db/id 17592186045542, :path/title "sdf"}"
  (println (keys path)) ; prints in terminal "(:db/id :path/title)"
  [:p (keys path)]      ; prints "idtitle" 
  (for [[k v] path] [:p k " " v]) ; prints "id 17592186045542" /n "title sdf" 
  (map (fn [[k v]] [:p k " " v]) path)))) ; same as above

In both (keys path), and the for & map calls, the ":db/" and ":path/" namespaces of the keys are not rendered. Why?


  • I suppose the keys are being implicitly named, unlike the good cases where you explicitly use str on them.

    Maybe you should use

    [:p (str k) " " (str v)]

    Or simply:

    [:p (str/join " " [k v])]