
Javascript-JQuery When

Guys I am making a menu bar but I have been stuck in animating or moving it. These are my reletant codes:

    function navbar(){ 
    document.getElementById("a").style.marginLeft = "50%";
    function navbar2(){
     document.getElementById("a").style.marginTop = "-100px";
       var x = $('#a');  

I want my navbar icon to first move margin-left = 50%; and after this when my icon reaches margin-left 50%, move icon to top. But now when I click on icon it starts to go top and right at same time. But I want my icon to first go right then go top.

Can someone please help?


  • You can do it like this with jQuery, without requiring navbar() and navbar2() :

    $("#a").click(function() {
          margin-left: "50%"
        }, "slow")
          margin-top: "-100px"
        }, "slow");