I have tried couple of ways to check if NSDate
is in current week:
Method 1
func isInThisWeek(date: Date) -> Bool
return Calendar.current.isDate(date, equalTo: Date(), toGranularity: .weekOfYear)
Method 2
func dateFallsInCurrentWeek(date: Date) -> Bool
let currentWeek = Calendar.current.component(Calendar.Component.weekOfYear, from: Date())
let datesWeek = Calendar.current.component(Calendar.Component.weekOfYear, from: date)
return (currentWeek == datesWeek)
Now here is the case where I am getting FALSE
though this date is in current week.
I tested on: Monday, August 10, 2020 6:00:00 PM (My time zone: +5:30 GMT)
. So as per calendar, this date belongs to 10 Aug - 16 Aug
What may be wrong? In my iPad in which I am testing this, has starting day of Week is Monday
as following:
All calendars would consider sunday as the first weekday. If you would like to consider monday as the start of your week you need to use iso8601 calendar.
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1597516200) // .description // "2020-08-15 18:30:00 +0000"
let tz = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 5*3600 + 1800)! // GMT+0530 (fixed)
let components = Calendar.current.dateComponents(in: tz, from: date)
components.day // 16
components.weekday // Sunday
// Current Calendar starts on sunday so it goes from 9...15 and 16...22
// To get the current week starting on monday you need iso8601 calendar
let equalToDate = DateComponents(calendar: .current, timeZone: tz, year: 2020, month: 8, day: 10, hour: 18).date!
equalToDate.description // "2020-08-10 12:30:00 +0000"
Calendar(identifier: .iso8601).isDate(date, equalTo: equalToDate, toGranularity: .weekOfYear) // true