
How to integrate the opencv to webots environment in windows?

I want to use opencv for a project for robot simulation. But I am having trouble with using it inside webots. I can't include it. I have the opencv version 4.30 and I changed my makefile to use the opencv but It doesn't work. Can You guys help me how can I add opencv to webots?


  • Here are some documentation about how to use external library with Webots controllers: https://cyberbotics.com/doc/guide/using-webots-makefiles?tab-language=ros#adding-an-external-library-ccp

    You can also find an example of integration of OpenCV (not version 4.30 but you can for sure take inspiration) in a Webots controller here: https://github.com/cyberbotics/webots/blob/f6886726c320b86d8ab07cab4d849ca82ca791af/projects/samples/howto/vision/controllers/vision/