
Excluding lists of hosts from SGE job submission

I am using a cluster running SGE 8.1.9. Some nodes on the server are broken and some are working. I have a list of node host-names which are working OK, so I want to submit my array job to those nodes only.

I have successfully submitted jobs to a single node which works:

qsub -t 5:18 -l h=nodeA

However, I want to submit my jobs to a list of working nodes, e.g.:

qsub -t 5:18 -l h=nodeA,nodeB,nodeC

But this throws:

Unable to run job: unknown resource "nodeB"

What is the correct syntax to submit your array job to a list of nodes if you have their hostnames?


  • I figured you can include the flag:

    #$ -l h=!(nodeA|nodeB)