
Inline replace of AST node by query

Given input like:

query = ("class_name", "function_name", "arg_name")

How do I replace what is found with some other provided node?

Parsed example of the before stage:

class Foo(object):
    def f(self, g: str = "foo"): pass

Parsed example of the after stage:

class Foo(object):
    def f(self, g: int = 5): pass

Given the following call to a hypothetical function:

    query=("Foo", "f", "g"),
    node=ast.parse("class Foo(object):\n    def f(self, g: str = 'foo'): pass"),
    # Use `AnnAssign` over `arg`; as `defaults` is higher in the `FunctionDef`
        annotation=Name(ctx=Load(), id="int"),
        target=Name(ctx=Store(), id="g"),
        value=Constant(kind=None, value=5),

I've hacked together a simple solution for finding a node with the query list, which has the added benefit of working for anything ("Foo", "f", "g") could refer to def Foo(): def f(): def g():, as well as a parser/emitter from arg to AnnAssign. But I can't figure this stage out; does ast.NodeTransformer traverse in-order, and sequentially? - So should I be constantly traversing, appending current name, and checking if current location is the full query string? - I feel like there's some clean solution I'm missing…


  • I decided to split it into two problems. The first, give every node awareness of its place in the universe:

    def annotate_ancestry(node):
        Look to your roots. Find the child; find the parent.
        Sets _location attribute to every child node.
        :param node: AST node. Will be annotated in-place.
        :type node: ```ast.AST```
        node._location = [] if hasattr(node, 'name') else []
        parent_location = []
        for _node in ast.walk(node):
            name = [] if hasattr(_node, 'name') else []
            for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(_node):
                if hasattr(child, 'name'):
                    child._location = name + []
                    parent_location = child._location
                elif isinstance(child, ast.arg):
                    child._location = parent_location + [child.arg]

    Then implement one method of the aforementioned ast.NodeTransformer:

    class RewriteAtQuery(ast.NodeTransformer):
        Replace the node at query with given node
        :ivar search: Search query, e.g., ['class_name', 'method_name', 'arg_name']
        :ivar replacement_node: Node to replace this search
        def __init__(self, search, replacement_node):
            :param search: Search query
            :type search: ```List[str]```
            :param replacement_node: Node to replace this search
            :type replacement_node: ```ast.AST```
   = search
            self.replacement_node = replacement_node
            self.replaced = False
        def generic_visit(self, node):
            Visit every node, replace once, and only if found
            :param node: AST node
            :type node: ```ast.AST```
            :returns: AST node, potentially edited
            :rtype: ```ast.AST```
            if not self.replaced and hasattr(node, '_location') \
               and node._location ==
                node = self.replacement_node
                self.replaced = True
            return ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit(self, node)

    And you're done =)


    parsed_ast = ast.parse(class_with_method_and_body_types_str)
    rewrite_at_query = RewriteAtQuery(
            annotation=Name(ctx=Load(), id="int"),
    self.assertTrue(rewrite_at_query.replaced, True)
    # Additional test to compare AST produced with desired AST [see repo]