
Using macros in Jenkins office-365-connector-plugin

I'm trying to use Jenkins DSL with office-365-connector-plugin and restrict the notifications to master branch only.

From looking at the UI config in Jenkins it seems like this is acheivable using Macros: Connector Config

However I have no idea what to put there, moreover how can I use it in the DSL? I did see examples of people using it but I don't understand what they are acheiving (example)


  • Using a jenkinsfile, you could do it this way:

            stage('a stage') {
                when {
                    branch 'master'
                steps {
                    office365ConnectorSend webhookUrl: '',
                        message: 'a message'

    Or like this:

        post {
            failure {
                script {
                    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
                        office365ConnectorSend webhookUrl: '',
                            message: 'a message'