How can i add the input list to heap directly?,Where some of the inbuild function used to push,get min,extract min but how to extract the maximum from the heap. some functions like..
heapify(iterable) :- This function is used to convert the iterable into a heap data structure. i.e. in heap order.
heappush(heap, ele) :- This function is used to insert the element mentioned in its arguments into heap. The order is adjusted, so as heap structure is maintained.
heappop(heap) :- This function is used to remove and return the smallest element from heap. The order is adjusted, so as heap structure is maintained.
heap = []
heappush(heap, 10)
heappush(heap, 30)
heappush(heap, 20)
heappush(heap, 400)
# printing the elements of the heap
for i in heap:
print( i, end = ' ')
import heapq
heap = [] # creates an empty heap
item = [20, 4, 8, 10, 5, 7, 6, 2, 9]
for i in item:
heapq.heappush(heap, i) # pushes a new item on the heap
print('Heap obtained from heappush() : ', heap)
heapq.heapify(item) # transforms list into a heap, in-place, in linear time
print('Heap obtained from heapify() : ', item)
And for maxheap
heapq implements function with suffix _max example : _heapify_max, _heapreplace_max, etc.
from _heapq import _heappop_max, _heapify_max, _heapreplace_max
a = [20, 4, 8, 10, 5, 7, 6, 2, 9]
print('Heap obtained from _heappop_max() : ', a)
Or you can multiple the list with -1 and use minheap itself.
Then 100 becomes -100, 5 becomes -5, etc.
I hope this helps.