While trying to retrieve subdata of a Data
object, the application crashes issuing the following error:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
Below you can see the code. It's a Data
extension. Hope someone can explain why this crashes.
public extension Data {
/// Removes and returns the range of data at the specified position.
/// - Parameter range: The range to remove. `range` must be valid
/// for the collection and should not exceed the collection's end index.
/// - Returns: The removed data.
mutating func remove(at range: Range<Data.Index>) -> Self {
precondition(range.lowerBound >= 0, "Range invalid, lower bound cannot be below 0")
precondition(range.upperBound < self.count, "Range invalid, upper bound exceeds data size")
let removal = subdata(in: range) // <- Error occurs here
return removal
EDIT - added the caller functions:
This extension is called from the following function:
func temporary(data: inout Data) -> Data {
let _ = data.removeFirst()
return data.remove(range: 0 ..< 3)
Which in turn is called like this:
var data = Data([0,1,2,3,4,5])
let subdata = temporary(data: &data)
The error is caused by the removeFirst
function. The documentation clearly states:
Calling this method may invalidate all saved indices of this collection. Do not rely on a previously stored index value after altering a collection with any operation that can change its length.
It appears that is exactly what is causing my error. I have replaced removeFirst
with remove(at:)
and it now works.