I'm new to Node JS and Socket IO, but I've heard a lot of good things about them so I wanted to take a look at them for use as a realtime notification system.
In my scenario, a user will open a socket to listen for notifications that are posted to the user -- each user will open up a connection to their OWN notifications, not a "public" channel.
var jug = new Juggernaut;
var channel = "/user/" + userId + "/notifications";
jug.subscribe(channel, function(data){
console.log("Got data: " + data);
So in almost all cases it will be 1 user subscribing to 1 channel.
I have 2 concerns:
Does anyone have any experience with Juggernaut that might have encountered this scenario before?
All of the Juggernaut examples I've seen involve multiple clients subscribing to 1 channel
What is the difference between many subscribers and one subscriber to the publisher?
Is there a way to add authentication so that only specified users will receive the message
Sure. Require the channel to have authentication and since it's going to be by userid, then you already know the things you need to secure it.
As for how to get juggernaut to do authentication, looks like you can post host headers to handle that for you.