I'm doing a project in VB.NET 2005, in which I have to extract the tag information of mp3 files. For that purpose I have used code in this page. But the issue is when one of the tag is empty, it didn't return any values.
For example, using this i can retrieve album information like this,
Dim album As String = ""
album = objMP3V1.Frame(MP3ID3v1.FrameTypes.Album)
But I didn't know how to check the album variable is empty or not, I checked album variable
If (album = "") Then
ElseIf (album Is Nothing) Then
ElseIf (album Is DBNull.Value) Then
End If
but no success, can somebody help me.
I've used regular expression to solve this issue. Thanks for all your help...
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
dim RegEx As New RegularExpressions.Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$")
dim Match As Match
dim film as string
film = song.Frame(MP3ID3v1.FrameTypes.Album)
Match = RegEx.Match(film)
film1 = IIf((Match.Success), film.ToString, "")
If you looking for more professional tag editior Here's a link!