
mariadb always returning last row from stored procedure

I'm facing a problem very similar to this issue:

MySQL stored procedure only returns last row of data

Let me explain the scenario first. I'm using phplist and I have created a custom attribute acting as "per user token"; it is used to create a custom unsubscribe links. Sometimes I'm in the need to get such token manually knowing the user email address.

So, here is the two involved tables are (note: only relevand fields here):

With dbeaver ide, executing the following query I correctly get the user token:

SELECT value AS token FROM phplist_user_user_attribute WHERE attributeid=3 and userid=(SELECT MAX(`id`) FROM phplist_user_user WHERE `email`='useremail@domain.ext');

Corect token

If I put this query inside a stored procedure instead it always returns the very last token inserted to the table, regardless the correctness of email:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `phplist`.`GetTokenFromEmail`(IN `email` VARCHAR(255))
    SELECT value AS token 
    FROM phplist_user_user_attribute 
    WHERE attributeid=3 
      and userid=(SELECT MAX(`id`)  
                  FROM phplist_user_user 
                  WHERE `email`=email);


Wrong token returned

Wrong token whatever the input

Checking at phplist_user_user_attribute table it equals to the very last row:

last row of table

This is a standard/default phplist installation, so I'm probably doing something wrong with the procedure I don't really understand what.

Thank you for any help!


  • WHERE `email`=email

    Both columns are taken from phplist_user_user table - so the condition value is always TRUE until is NULL.

    Remember - if query's rowsource contains more than one table (including a case of copies of the same table) then specify table name/alias for EACH column name.