Well here is my query and and it works fine and the field friend_id is of type MySQL big-int
"SELECT friend_id FROM users_friends uf WHERE uf.user_id=1192134553 limit 2"
and the query returns the required result i.e 100002407532395 , 100002307531370
now here is my service zend/amf service
public function GetUserAllFreinds($user_id)
$sql = "SELECT friend_id FROM users_friends uf WHERE uf.user_id=$user_id limit 2";
$res = mysql_query($sql) or die(debug($sql).mysql_error());
return $res;
And the service returns me 2147483647. However when i set friend_id to MySQL varchar, it works. why it does not work for big-int??
Try putting the annotations before the service method, as follows:
@param int $user_id
@return int
Also, your code is returning the result of mysql_query. Shouldn't process the result before returning it?
$values = array()
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$values[] = $row['friend_id'];
and then, returning the $values, setting @return to array instead of int.