I am currently using this code:
public func cpuUsage(_ cpuModel:CpuIosModel?) -> Float { guard let cpuModel = cpuModel else {
print("cpuUsage is empty")
return -1
var kr: kern_return_t
var task_info_count: mach_msg_type_number_t
task_info_count = mach_msg_type_number_t(TASK_INFO_MAX)
var tinfo = [integer_t](repeating: 0, count: Int(task_info_count))
kr = task_info(mach_task_self_, task_flavor_t(TASK_BASIC_INFO), &tinfo, &task_info_count)
if kr != KERN_SUCCESS {
return -1
var thread_list: thread_act_array_t? = UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: [thread_act_t]())
var thread_count: mach_msg_type_number_t = 0
defer {
if let thread_list = thread_list {
vm_deallocate(mach_task_self_, vm_address_t(UnsafePointer(thread_list).pointee), vm_size_t(thread_count))
kr = task_threads(mach_task_self_, &thread_list, &thread_count)
if kr != KERN_SUCCESS {
return -1
var tot_cpu: Float = 0
var usr_space_time: Int = 0 //time in ms
var system_space_time:Int = 0 //time in ms
var thread_sleep_time: Int = 0 // time in sec
var counter:Int = 0
if let thread_list = thread_list {
for j in 0 ..< Int(thread_count) {
var thread_info_count = mach_msg_type_number_t(THREAD_INFO_MAX)
var thinfo = [integer_t](repeating: 0, count: Int(thread_info_count))
kr = thread_info(thread_list[j], thread_flavor_t(THREAD_BASIC_INFO),
&thinfo, &thread_info_count)
let threadBasicInfo = convertThreadInfoToThreadBasicInfo(thinfo)
if threadBasicInfo.flags != TH_FLAGS_IDLE {
tot_cpu += (Float(threadBasicInfo.cpu_usage) / Float(TH_USAGE_SCALE)) * 100.0
usr_space_time += Int(threadBasicInfo.user_time.microseconds/1000)
system_space_time += Int(threadBasicInfo.system_time.microseconds/1000)
thread_sleep_time += Int(threadBasicInfo.sleep_time)
counter = counter + 1
} // for each thread
if counter != 0 {
setCpuData(tot_cpu: tot_cpu, usr_space_time: usr_space_time, system_space_time: system_space_time, thread_sleep_time: thread_sleep_time,cpuModel: cpuModel)
return -1
return tot_cpu
fileprivate func convertThreadInfoToThreadBasicInfo(_ threadInfo: [integer_t]) -> thread_basic_info {
var result = thread_basic_info()
result.user_time = time_value_t(seconds: threadInfo[0], microseconds: threadInfo[1])
result.system_time = time_value_t(seconds: threadInfo[2], microseconds: threadInfo[3])
result.cpu_usage = threadInfo[4]
result.policy = threadInfo[5]
result.run_state = threadInfo[6]
result.flags = threadInfo[7]
result.suspend_count = threadInfo[8]
result.sleep_time = threadInfo[9]
return result
But this is always giving tot_cpu as 0. Please help if you have a working code. Also i got this piece of code from internet. Can someone please explain why threadInfo[4] in convertThreadInfoToThreadBasicInfo() function is holding cpu usage value. Is this a pre defined thing.
I'm not sure if it's what you are looking for or not but you can take a look at this implementation:
func cpuUsage() -> Double {
var totalUsageOfCPU: Double = 0.0
var threadsList = UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: [thread_act_t]())
var threadsCount = mach_msg_type_number_t(0)
let threadsResult = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &threadsList) {
return $0.withMemoryRebound(to: thread_act_array_t?.self, capacity: 1) {
task_threads(mach_task_self_, $0, &threadsCount)
if threadsResult == KERN_SUCCESS {
for index in 0..<threadsCount {
var threadInfo = thread_basic_info()
var threadInfoCount = mach_msg_type_number_t(THREAD_INFO_MAX)
let infoResult = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &threadInfo) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: integer_t.self, capacity: 1) {
thread_info(threadsList[Int(index)], thread_flavor_t(THREAD_BASIC_INFO), $0, &threadInfoCount)
guard infoResult == KERN_SUCCESS else {
let threadBasicInfo = threadInfo as thread_basic_info
if threadBasicInfo.flags & TH_FLAGS_IDLE == 0 {
totalUsageOfCPU = (totalUsageOfCPU + (Double(threadBasicInfo.cpu_usage) / Double(TH_USAGE_SCALE) * 100.0))
vm_deallocate(mach_task_self_, vm_address_t(UInt(bitPattern: threadsList)), vm_size_t(Int(threadsCount) * MemoryLayout<thread_t>.stride))
return totalUsageOfCPU