
Spring 5 Reactive Mono - Pass Mono value to property of object and call another mono

I'm new to the whole Spring reactive webflux. My problem is pretty simple. In my addActions() I am trying to get a Mono by calling getCurrentVal(). This works fine. But I need to get the value of that and update a property (submission.stateVal). Then pass call customService.addActions() which returns Mono. Can this be done without using block()?

private CustomService customService;

public Mono<CustomResponse> addActions(String id, String Jwt, Submission submission) {

Mono<String> updatedStateVal = getCurrentStateVal(tpJwt, id);
// submission.setStateVal(updatedStateVal);
// return customService.addActions(id, jwt, submission);


private Mono<String> getCurrentVal(String tpJwt, String id) {
        return customService.findById(id, tpJwt)
                .map(r -> r.getStateVal());


  • return getCurrentStateVal(tpJwt, id)
        .flatMap(s -> {
            return customService.addActions(id, tpJwt, submission);