
Flex: Recording audio directly form soundcard

I am new to flex but my first app is a little bit more pro than you would expect form a rookie. I would like to record sound that is currently played on the local computer (i.e. form winamp or youtube). I saw some codes that use the microphone, but this is undesired. The client machine may not have a microphone hardware or may play the sound on headphones. I think this must be possible but may be not a common task so that's why I can't find the solution? Can any one help?


  • I believe the user of your app has to select their "input device" and allow access for the Flash web baesd app to access that input device. But, once they do the choosing, you should be able to access that Audio feed using the same microphone APIs.

    bring up the Flash Player context menu and select settings. then click the microphone tab. You should see a list of all possibly options. at this moment, one option I have is "Stereo Mix" which I'm pretty sure will send out all the info from the computer.