
Pass data from Parent UIviewController to a Container (ChildViewController) every time the value is changed

I have a UIViewController that has two containers and each Container is related to a UIViewController for some specific functionalities.

For people who are devaluating my question, it will be more helpful and appreciated if you put me on the right path instead.

what I am trying to do is pass data from the parent ViewController to the childViewControllers

enter image description here

Any Idea, please?


  • After a deeper digging I was able to find a solution for my own question. here I am going to post if anyone else needs it in the future

    so, first of all, I need it to lunch the ChildContoller from the parent controller and not from the storyboard ( so I deleted the segue between the parent and the child. create a variable for childController like that:

     lazy  var firstChildViewController: FirstChildViewController =  {
            let storynoard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
            let viewController = storynoard.instantiateViewController(identifier: "firstChild") as! FirstChildViewController
            return viewController

    same thing for the other one if you have two children

    and then in the viewDidLoad:

       override func viewDidLoad() {
            firstChildViewController.view.isHidden  = false
            secondChildViewController.view.isHidden = true

    and then in the FirstChildViewController:

        override func viewDidLoad() {
        if let parent = self.parent as? ParentViewController {
         parent.delegate = self


    And the problem is solved Hope it helps someone