
save info to database after getting device current location (navigator.location.getCurrentPosition), React Native

I want to save some info to the database , but should happen after user location function is done getting the current user location.

async function getImmediate() {
        let coord;
          async position => {
            const latitude = await JSON.stringify(position.coords.latitude);
            const longitude = await JSON.stringify(position.coords.longitude);
            coord = await position.coords.latitude;
          error => Alert.alert(error.message),
            enableHighAccuracy: true,
            timeout: 20000,
            maximumAge: 1000
        return coord;

async function saveNow(){
let coordinates = await getImmediate();

//save to the database

i get null values and undefined instead.

i will be grateful for your help as it seems am not locating where the problem is quick...


  • You can use promises to achieve what you're trying to do. The below code should work and return the result:

    function getImmediate() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => 
              position => {
                const latitude = JSON.stringify(position.coords.latitude);
                const longitude = JSON.stringify(position.coords.longitude);
                resolve({ latitude, longitude});
              error => Alert.alert(error.message),
                enableHighAccuracy: true,
                timeout: 20000,
                maximumAge: 1000
    async function saveNow(){
      let coordinates = await getImmediate();
      //save to the database