
docker: Error response from daemon: ttrpc: closed: unknown. after upgrading containerd to 1.4.0

After upgrading containerd to 1.4.0, running docker containers fail with the following error

docker: Error response from daemon: ttrpc: closed: unknown.

For reference, I am using Arch Linux.


  • Update: As mentioned, A new version of containerd fixing this issue is available in arch repos: 1.4.0-2. (The broken version was 1.4.0-1). So below rollback is no longer needed.

    Rolling back to containerd 1.3.4 fixes the issue for now:

    cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    sudo pacman -U containerd-1.3.4-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

    For a longer-term fix, there is already an open ticket on Github, it's probably best to track the status from there: