
Impossible to turn off PHP safe_mode?

I can't upload images in Drupal 7 since I have moved it to a new server: php safe mode was on. So in php.ini I set safe_mode = Off (through ssh, I have CentOS).

phpinfo() shows that safe_mode is off for master, but on local. I do have a Plesk panel, so I checked there: safe_mode was enabled for the domain. I disabled it.

My problem: safe_mode is still turned on locally according to phpinfo(). What other ways do you know to turn off safe_mode? What can be wrong?

Thanks in advance.


  • Check your httpd.conf and vhost files for...

    php_admin_flag safe_mode on

    This flag overrides the setting in your php.ini file. Change it to...

    php_admin_flag safe_mode off

    ...and restart apache.

    EDIT: Also check the /etc/httpd/conf.d/zz_psa_httpd.conf for that directive.