
Axios does not run - React JS

I am using axios to make a POST request with React JS, specifically a POST request to the Sendinblue API, found here. I have tried multiple variations using axios however I have not had any luck with successfully completing the POST request.

The code is listed below:

var email = this.state.value;
var data = JSON.stringify({ "listIds": [5], "email": email, "attributes": { "SMS": "sms-Number" }, "emailBlacklisted": false, "smsBlacklisted": false, "updateEnabled": true });
var config = {
     method: 'post',
     url: '',
     headers: {
         'api-key': 'API-key',
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
     data: data

.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {

I have imported axios and the required libraries at the top.

Given this code, I never get an alert when axios is executed. That is, I never get an alert for success or error. So, it seems as if it is not even running the axios part.

Any ideas on why this may be? Thank you!


  • Thanks everyone for your help. I was able to solve this error by placing the button that triggers this code outside of the form tag.

    OLD CODE (not working):

        <button onClick={this.runCode}>Click here</button>

    NEW CODE (working):

    <button onClick={this.runCode}>Click here</button>