
Notify or callback flask after remote celery worker is completed

I am running celery client(Flask) and worker in two different machines, now once the worker has completed the task, I need to callback a function on client side. Is this possible?

Celery client:-

celery_app=Celery('test_multihost', broker='amqp://test:test@<worker_ip>/test_host', backend='rpc')
result= testMethod1.apply_async((param1, param2,param3), link=testMethod2.s())

def testMethod2():
    #testMethod2 body.

Celery Worker:-

celery_app=Celery('test_multihost', broker='amqp://test:test@<worker_ip>/test_host', backend='rpc')
def testMethod1():
   #testMethod1 body

But the problem is the function testMethod2 is getting executed on the celery worker side, not on the client side.

Is there anyway that I can callback the method on client side?


  • I solved this problem using @after_task_publish from celery signals. The code snippet is as follows:-

    def testMethod2(sender=None, headers=None, body=None, **kwargs):
        #callback body

    The testMethod2 will be called after the celery worker is completed on the remote machine. Here I can access the result of celery worker using headers parameter.