I want to know that it is mentioned on the azure free tier page that: 15 GB of bandwidth for outbound data transfer with free unlimited inbound transfer And at one place it is mentioned that: 5 GB of bandwidth for outbound data transfer with free unlimited inbound transfer
So, I'm completely confused here. I want to know that if I create a B1S virtual machine and I don't have any credits in my account during free tier, how much outbound data will I get? Is 15 GB and 5 GB applies to virtual machines also or to specific services only? I'm unable to identify/figure out that for a B1S VM during my free tier, how much outbound data transfer I'll be able to do. Also, for a B1S virtual machine, which kind of disk I should select so that I do not get charged?
From here:
This basically means:
None of this relates at all to any VM you provision etc. The outbound data quota counts towards all your services in Azure together. As long as you VMs don't send data out over the internet or you download data from those VMs etc., they will not really incur much outbound traffic.