I've just built a Raspberry Pi as a basic speed camera and want to make some tweaks to existing code. I've programmed before in various languages on and off for lots of projects, but not as a dedicated job.
The code that I'm using is this (it's quite long so I haven't posted it here):
I'd like to start by using line_profiler to help tweak the existing code where possible, slowly allowing me to make changes and learn how it works.
I've tried converting the existing script so that;
These result in me changing a lot of the existing code to get it to work, which it invariably doesn't and I end up getting lost!
I've followed various guides on using line_profiler and have it working with the existing defined functions, but I want to extend that to the rest of the code.
Am I missing a very easy method of doing this? How should I approach it?
I cannot test the code as I do not have a Rasberry Pi, but I would try this starting at line 57 (after your existing function defs). Basically you are defining a main() function, then calling it if the file is called as a script (What does if __name__ == "__main__": do?).
def main():
# define some constants
DISTANCE = 76 #<---- enter your distance-to-road value here
if (state == WAITING):
# if the `q` key is pressed, break from the loop and terminate processing
if key == ord("q"):
return False #<=== note return instead of break
# clear the stream in preparation for the next frame
#End of main()
if __name__ == '__main__:
# cleanup the camera and close any open windows