My REST API works fine when deployed but my tests are failing using Jersey Arquillian extension:
public void postTest(@ArquillianResteasyResource final WebTarget webTarget) {
MyRequest request = new MyRequest();
String response = webTarget.path("/demo").request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
Assert.assertEquals("OK", response);
I get the error:
Error HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL
My JAX-RS programs look OK:
public class JaxRsActivator extends Application {
public class DemoResource extends BaseResource {
public Response demo(MyRequest request) {
return Response.ok().entity("OK").build();
The default value for @ArquillianResteasyResource
is rest
, but my JaxRsActivator is set to api
To solve it I used:
To get the complete URI: webTarget.getUri()