
How do I create a UiWidget at runtime as an entity?

Imagine I've created a container

let created = UiWidget::Container::<NoCustomUi, String, ()> {
    transform: UiTransformData::default(),
    background: None,
    children: Vec::new(),

How do I add it to the world and get its entity back? Something like:

let entity = world

But it says "the trait specs::world::comp::Component is not implemented for amethyst_ui::prefab::UiWidget<amethyst_ui::prefab::NoCustomUi, std::string::String>".

I'm using Amethyst v0.15


  • UiWidget actually can't be added to an Entity directly, as it's meant to be loaded through the Prefab

    You have to create UiTransform, UiText or one of the few other Struct from amethyst::ui that implements Component and add them to an Entity

    let ui_transform = UiTransform::new(
        String::from("demo_text"),   // id
        Anchor::Middle,              // anchor
        Anchor::Middle,              // pivot
        0f32,                        // x
        0f32,                        // y
        0f32,                        // z
        100f32,                      // width
        30f32,                       // height
    let ui_text = UiText::new(
        font_handle,                 // font
        String::from("Hello World"), // text
        [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5],        // color
        25f32,                       // font_size
        LineMode::Single,            // line mode
        Anchor::Middle,              // alignment

    You can find more information on how to do that in the Amethyst book under the User Interface section.